Container Gardening was more than I though it would be

On April 19th Jean Curlee led a seminar on Container Gardening and I must admit I walked out of there having gained some knowledge I did expect to.

When I think container gardening I see myself going off to buy a planter, some dirt and a plant and going home to put it all together and admire it all season. Well was I surprised when I learned there are so many other ways to accomplish that beauty.

Jean showed us how to take a simple box and plastic bag to create the container. She also showed us how to use those porous reusable shopping bags and use them instead of the plastic bag and box. What? I could use a reusable shopping bag that; of course not those solid one but the material ones you know which ones. Amazing.

Oh but it gets better, everyone wants good drainage and to keep those plants happy plus no one want to keep spending money on bags of dirt. So you line the bottom of your pot with sticks, grass, leaves, you know the brown stuff you put in your compost bin. Top that with 1/2 the dirt you would normally use. Now you have a happy plant and you are spending less money on dirt or using less of that compost dirt you worked so hard to create.

And you would think that would be enough to learn. We all know we can start our seeds in egg cartons but what about having mini greenhouse. If you buy your greens in those plastic containers they make the perfect min greenhouse cover and all.

So don’t underestimate our seminars you never know what you will learn. There are more on the horizon keep checking this website and the Library’s . Thank you again to the Library for allowing us to share all of this information with the residents of Pleasant Valley and beyond.


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