Our First Movie Night

My apologies for not updating you in a bit but April was a busy month for Climate Smart so I am beginning my catch up with a brief update on Movie Nights at the Library.

Although I could not attend our first Movie night at the Library I did hear that it was well attended and created some lively discussion. David Attenborough w has been a great influence on many and we were thrilled to introduce him to others that were truly moved by the film.

We will continue the monthly movie series so keep checking back here and the Library’s website for what we are showing next. OK I will tell you the next one Wasted - the Story of Food Waste seen through the eyes of professional chefs.

Please also note that after the next movie night registration will not be through the Library’s website but by clicking on the link in the event page.

See you at the movies.


Container Gardening was more than I though it would be
