October Meeting

We had our monthly meeting on October 13th and to facilitate those that work during the day the meeting was scheduled for 6:30 and we decided to try a zoom meeting. Of course some of us prefer in-face meetings so we gathered in one location and zoomed together.

The highlights of the meeting were of course, our status with becoming Bronze. Things are looking good and we have some loose ends to tie up but we should be good. We also are always looking to the sustainable future and more ideas were thrown out .

Minutes from meeting:

Climate Smart Communities

October 13, 2021

Zoom Meeting, 6:30 p.m.


Present:  Danielle Salisbury, CCEDC; Sandra Larkin, Ellen Kutner, Debby Glynn, Jean Curlee, Pat Smith, Pamela Lovinger, Meta Plotnik, Dan Degan (by phone), Michelle Bear


Cooling Centers:

1.       Library needs to put the information about their participation on their website and coordinate with the Town.

2.      Signage needed at both buildings

3.      Flier needed with information about centers, for posting in PV businesses

#2 and 3 will probably wait until next spring


Point update:  possible 126, but 114 solid.  Later it was corrected, that without lighting, our points are at 112. 


Legacy actions we are either working on or considering
1.  Interior lighting upgrades;  WAIT, see what happens with new board

2.  Fleet inventory for town, other than the Highway Garage.  Ellen Kutner to pursue

3.  Recycle bins for residents:  (possible 3 points)

4.  Compost bins for residents:  Available through the local hardware store, but no discount.  This may mean no points.

          a.  Need pictures, types of bins, and description of program

          b.  Should have flier for upcoming library event

** A second compost related activity:  would town restaurants be able/willing to compost?  How would that work?  Ellen Kutner to investigate

5.  Shade Structures:  Sandra has given resolution to the Town Board .  We are waiting on approval.  (4 points)


Other issues:

1.       If an employee takes a course on sea level rise, mapping tools, flood mitigation, green infrastructure, it is worth points.  Ask Mary Beth, particularly about the Town Engineer, and members of Town, Zoning and Planning Boards    (Possible 3 points)

2.      Residential Yard Waste, PE5.  Basically leaves and grass—find a place where they can be dropped off, such as local farm or the Dump.  Sandra and Dan to work on this

3.      Unified Solar Permit:  Dan Degan to talk to Rebecca.  Needs followup.  Sandra to help.

4.      Complete Street Policy:  Street should account for all users—vehicles, walkers, bikers. WAIT


We should all think about what the town has done in the last 10 or so years, which would count for points


Michelle Bear:  Way to involve the Bike Shop—possible repair workshop at the Town Hall


Pamela Lovinger:  Dutchess County to finalize program to inventory green house gases.  When done, the program will begin.  No start time yet.

In the meantime, there will be ‘opt in’ opportunities:

          a). Vulnerability assessment:  Danielle has record that shows we did that in a workshop, held in August 2019, at the Salt Point Firehouse.  Meta Plotnik, Debby Glynn and Mary Albrecht attended.

          b). Create a plan based on a) above


Next Meeting:  November 9 at 6:30 p.m.  Essentially, a zoom meeting, but some members may want to gather at a house and zoom as a small group.


Adjournment:  7:50 p.m.


CS wants to thank Danielle for hosting the meeting and sharing a very useful document, appended to these minutes.

And Danielle’s Notes

Danielle’s Climate Smart Communities Update As of 10/13: The Town has 126 124 likely points with 12 of those potentially disappearing before the January deadline (112 likely points)


Still need documentation for:

PE 3 Action: Interior Lighting Upgrades (for 1-2 points, already calculated into the total- decided to wait until the new Town Hall is finished)

According to the Highway Supervisor, the Salt Shed, the Highway Shop, and the Field Station all have LED lights. The points for this action are awarded based on the percentage of square feet of Town owned buildings that has LED lighting. The proof we would need is:

·        Total building square footage across the local government’s entire building portfolio

·        Percentage of building square footage containing fixtures that were installed within seven years prior to the application date and that exceed ASHRAE 90.1 by three percent

·        Location: building(s) in which the lighting was installed

·        Installation date: month and year when the lighting was installed

·        Efficiency: the type of lighting installed (receipts would be great)


PE 3 Action: Fleet Inventory (4 points, already calculated into the total)

We just need information about the two vehicles that the parks department has. Ellen is on this!


PE5 Action Recycling Bins in Government Buildings (possible 3 points)

Once the resolution passes we will need a copy of the signed resolution, at least one photo for each type of location (employee office space, kitchen, conference room, etc). We will need to Submit information on the number of trash and recycling bins provided in each of the two categories to demonstrate an approximate match between the two types of bins. (also it is a really good idea to put recycling educational signage next to the bins too! But it is not required)


PE5 Action: Compost Bins for Residents (2 points already in the total)

You should be able to get points for your collaboration with Orlando Hardware on selling the compost bins. What we need to submit as proof of this is documentation that describes the compost bin distribution program, including the type of bin, the original cost per bin and the discounted cost (Danielle will check if it absolutely need to be at a discounted cost), if residents were charged a fee. Provide copies of promotional and educational materials. Provide the number of bins purchased and distributed (we can say the progress so far, but specify that it is ongoing).


PE 7 Action: Shade Structures Policy (possible 4 points)

We will need the signed adopted policy once it has been passed


PE7 Design Flood Elevation and Flood Maps (possible 2 points)

Check to see if municipal staff have taken training on the most recent climate change science, sea-level rise and flood projections, mapping tools, and other climate-informed flood mitigation resources. If so, we would need a copy of their certificate of attendance.


PE7 Action: Green Infrastructure (possible 1 point)

Check to see if 50% or more of community’s code enforcement officers, MS4 stormwater officers, engineers, and zoning and planning board members have completed at least two hours of green infrastructure training. If so, we would need a copy of their certificate of attendance.


Other actions to consider:

Residential organic waste program for yard waste (2 points) Transfer station?

Unified solar permit (5 points) not at this time

Complete streets policy (4 points) not at this time



Potential Innovative actions:

-Cooling centers innovation action (5 possible points):

·        Coordinate efforts between cooling centers

·        town wide education on cooling center availability

-promoting on-site composting among local restaurants

-How to use zoom to promote greener meetings and to increase community participation

-Town list green resources/ green nonprofits (innovative action potentially)

-collaborating with local youth (env. Clubs at the schools)




Arlington H.S.